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LE Walk《Nostalgic Houses》 語言交換活動《懷舊宿舍》

Doing a language exchange while chatting in the historic houses in the 1930s and 1940s.

100 新台幣
Venue 地點 : Taiwan Literature Base台灣文學基地 (No. 27, Sec.2, Jinan Rd., Taipei)


🍀LE Walk《Nostalgic Houses ● Literature》🍀 🍀語言交換活動<懷舊宿舍●文學>🍀 ☘️【Time時間】: 10:00 am- 12:00 noon (incl. breaks) 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm (incl. breaks) ☘️【Meetup Point 集合地點】: 1. Taiwan Literature Base (Address: No. 27, Sec.2, Jinan Rd., Taipei) at 10:00 am or 3:00 pm 2. Exit 5, MRT Shandao Temple MRT Stationn Station at 9:30 am or 2:30 pm ( This meetup will be arranged on request through a notice on the LE EVENT SIGNUP FORM's COMMENTS.) 1.早上10點或或下午3點,在〈台灣文學基地〉 (地址: 台北市濟南路二段27號) 2.早上9點半或或下午3點半,在〈善導寺捷運站五號出口 〉 ☘️ 【Language Exchange 語言交換】: Mandarin Chinese/Taiwanese←→English/Français...中文/台語←→英文/法文 ☘️《Highlights》 ☆Historic houses at Taiwan Literature Base ☘️【What do we do活動方式 】 Doing a language exchange while mainly staying inside historic houses and walking around Taiwan Literature Base for less than 20 minutes. To practice and improve you speaking and listening skills in Mandarin Chinese, Taiwanese, English or French in real life such as conversations at a night market and local shops, and movie talk. If you'd like to take some photographs, meet people from around the world and from Taiwan, welcome to join us as well. 有機會和各國人士/中文母語人士練習中文/台語、英文或法文會話和文化交流,增進你的語言流利度和學習實用口語表達。也可藉此活動練習如何接待各國人士/在地台灣人,擴展國際視野。如果只是想參加活動、一起走走拍照攝影,也歡迎加入唷。 P.S. You're welcome to provide some topics that you're interested to talk. 您也可以在報名表的備註欄提供你感興趣想談的主題唷~ ☘️【 How to join LE Walk】: There are two options. 📲Fill out an ONLINE SIGNUP FORM (Google form) or 📲 Send a message (Event title, Day, Number of participants) to our twitter@twLEtreat or instagram@taiwanletreat (EASY) 📲活動報名方式: 請至Google表單 填寫報名表​,也可以從IG 或推特直接私訊 (活動名稱、日期、參加人數) 報名活動。 ☘️ 【Signup fee】報名費: NT$100/per person (Pay on the spot) 《it covers NT$10 of a drink if you buy one》(包含10元飲料費補助) 🎈Native English Speaker: NT$50 ☘️〔Reminder小提醒〕: Please sign up at least 2 days prior to the selected day of the event. 請至少於活動日期前2日報名預約,謝謝。 This event will be cancelled when the minimum number of the total people signing up is below 3 to 5 people. And, a cancellation notice will be announced on Instagram or via email prior to your selected event day. 請注意語言交換活動報名人數不足3-5人時,活動將取消,活動取消訊息會在活動前一天在IG @taiwanletreat 或經由電子郵件發佈。


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