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LE Walk《South Side City》語言交換活動<徒步人文城南>

Doing a language exchange while walking around the city and a botanic garden.

100 新台幣
Meeting point_Exit3, MRT Xiaonanmen Station 集合地點: 小南門捷運站 出口3


☆SHORTER WALKING TIME☆ ☆縮短徒步時間☆ 🍀LE Walk《South Side City》🍀 🍀語言交換活動<徒步人文城南>🍀 🍀【Time時間】: 14:30-16:30 (Incld. breaks 包含休息時間) 🍀【Language Exchange語言交換】: Chinese/Taiwanese←→ English/Français...中文/台語←→英文/法文... 🍀【Highlights】: ●Historic Taipei Botanic Garden 台北植物園 ●Visit Greenhouses Plaza 方舟溫室廣場 ●Visit NanmonCho 323 南門町323 ●Hidden Gem 隱藏版景點 ●Historic Guest House of Imperial Envoys 欽差行臺 ●Visit Herbarium Building腊葉館 (optional) ● Visit Lotus Pond 荷花池 🍀【What do we do活動方式 】 Doing a language exchange while walking around a botanic garden and the surrounding area. To practice speaking and listening to Mandarin Chinese, English or French in real life with topics such as photography, hobbies, weather, seasons...etc. If you just want to take some photos, appreciate architecture design, walk around, meet people from around the world and from Taiwan, or have fun, welcome to sign up for this event too. 有機會和各國人士、中文母語者一起走在充滿芬多精的植物園、一邊進行語言交換活動,在真實生活情境中,練習中文、英文或法文口語表達和聽力練習,增進你的語言流利度和學習實用口語表達,也可藉此活動認識來自台灣或世界各地的人士、擴展國際視野。如果喜歡拍照攝影、一起走走欣賞20世紀初日歐和清朝建築,也歡迎報名參加。 P.S.Don't worry! We won't just keep walking. Some break time of sitting at chairs, conversation time or game time will be arranged for you to relax . 別擔心會一直在走路喔,活動中會有定點坐著休息和交談時間。 🍀【How can I join LE Walk?】 There are two ways, you can choose one of methods below 📲Click this link to sign up for activities ahead (Google form) 📲Welcome to send a message (Activity title, Day, Number of participating people) to our twitter@twLEtreat or instagram@taiwanletreat (EASY) 📲活動報名方式: 請至google表單 填寫活動預約報名表​,也可以從IG 或推特直接私訊報名活動唷。 🍀【Signup fee 報名費】: NT$100/per person (Pay on the spot) 《it covers NT$10 of a drink if you buy one》(包含10元飲料費補助) 🎈Native English Speaker: NT$50 〔NOTE〕: ✅Please sign up at least 2 days prior to the selected day of the activity. 請至少於活動日期前2日報名預約,謝謝。 ✅This activity will be cancelled when the minimum number of the total people signing up is below three people. And, a cancellation notice will be announced on Instagram @taiwanletreat or via email prior to your selected activity day. 請注意語言交換活動報名人數不足3人時,活動將取消,活動取消訊息會在活動前在Instagram @taiwanletreat或經由電子郵件發佈。 Culture exchange ●Language Exchange


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