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LE Walk <Wooden Trail Stroll> 語言交換活動_木棧道

Doing language exchanges while strolling through a flat wooden trail, a historic site & a park.

100 新台幣
Meeting point_Exit 3, MRT Gongguan station 集合地點: 公館捷運站3號出口


☆SHORTER WALKING TIME☆ ☆縮短徒步時間☆ ✅LE Walk <Wooden Trail Stroll> ✅徒步語言交換活動<木棧道●芬多精> ☘️【Time 時間】: 14:00-16:00 (Including breaks 包含休息時間) ☘️【Language Exchange語言交換】: Chinese/Taiwanese←→ English/Français...中文/台語←→英文/法文... ☘️《Highlights》☆ ●Historic Water Metering Structure Plaza ● Shuei Yuan Ding Park 水源町公園 ● Easily walk on a wooden trail to enjoy nature with phytoncides 芬多精木棧道 ●View creek along a park with a wooden bridge 小溪木橋 ●Treasure Hill _ experience life in 1980s (optional) ☘️【What we do 】活動方式 Doing language exchanges while easily walking around historic Water Metering Structure Plaza and the flat wooden trail. Immerse yourself in nature with phytoncides, and practice speaking Mandarin Chinese or Taiwanese in real life such as meal ordering, store conversation or how to talk at a convenience store. If you just want to walk around, enjoy nature, or have fun and relaxing time, welcome to join us too. (You don't have to talk all the time) It's nice and easy to walk on this wooden trail, which is flat and no steep stairs, and sit on some spots for culture exchanges and Mandarin Chinese practice. 有機會和外國人一邊參與在充滿芬多精的公園和平坦木棧道輕鬆散步,沿途會有定點坐著休憩,進行文化語言交流,練習外文對話,增進你的外國語言流利度和學習實用外國口語表達,如果只想參與活動、喜愛大自然,也歡迎報名參加唷。 P.S.The time of sitting at chairs will be arranged for you to have more conversation and fun language game. You’re welcome to provide some topics that you want to talk. And, some break time will be arranged for you to relax. P.S. 別擔心會一直邊走路喔,活動中會有定點坐著休息和會話語言遊戲時間。 ☘️【How to join LE Walk?】There are two options. 📲Click this link to sign up (Google form) or 📲Send a message (Activity title, day, number of participants) to twitter@twLEtreat or instagram@taiwanletreat (EASY) 📲活動報名方式: 請至google表單 填寫活動預約報名表​,也可以從IG 或推特直接私訊 (活動名稱、日期、參加人數) 報名活動。 ☘️【Signup fee 報名費】: NT$100/per person (Pay on the spot) 《it covers NT$10 of a drink if you buy one》(包含10元飲料費補助) 🎈Native English Speaker: NT$50 〔NOTE〕: Please sign up at least 2 days prior to the selected day of the activity. 請至少於活動日期前2日報名預約,謝謝。 This activity will be cancelled when the minimum number of the total people signing up is below three people. And, a cancellation notice will be announced on Instagram or via email prior to your selected activity day. 請注意報名人數不足3人時,語言交換活動將取消,活動取消訊息會在活動日期前在IG@taiwanletreat 或經由電子郵件發佈。


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